Relationship with Jesus Assessment

Has something been keeping you from seeking Jesus recently? Summer can get distracting sometimes, but it's time to FALL in love with Jesus like never before! This free printable worksheet will help you identify in 5 simple steps, what is keeping you from the LORD in your current season and steer your focus back to Him. Fill this worksheet out if you are ready to address the health of your relationship with Jesus, and start taking steps closer to Him! This worksheet will not leave you feeling disappointed or ashamed! Rather, this assessment will help pin point what has limited your faith and encourage you to step out in in faith! Additionally, the blog is full of helpful articles that could help you in the areas that you struggle to have faith in! Please see our free resources for additional support and assitance. Follow @officialhungrystill on Instagram for fellowship, prayer or answers to any questions that you may have! Free download includes the Hungry Still? 8.5x11 inch printable Relationship with Jesus Assessment Worksheet.


New Year's Resolution Worksheet

New Year's resolutions are exciting to make but very difficult to keep all year long. Do you struggle to complete you New Year's resolutions? This free printable worksheet will help you daily pursue your resolutions, while reminding you that God is with you, every step of the way. Fill this worksheet out daily and you will be able to keep your resolution in mind throughout the year. Celebrate everyday victories and address where you went wrong each day, without feeling the guilt of missing your mark. Be encouraged by God's word everyday and be reminded that tomorrow is always another chance to step closer to your goals! Free download includes the Hungry Still? 8.5x11 inch printable Daily Resolution Maintenance Worksheet.

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