Oftentimes, we see that wrong is happening around us and believe that it is our duty, as Christians, to help God do His will. I’ve been there! …
What Truly Keeps us Cut Off from God?
A common misconception about God is that He has this long list of things that people do that give Him the right to cut us off. Painting God as a god…
Is it okay to have Doubts as a Christian?
Real Christians don’t have doubts… Right? One of the biggest struggles I faced as a Christ-follower was doubt. That doubt came with baggage…
Wait a Little While Longer
Just a little while longer. When I say I will take a little while to get ready and get out the door, sure most would see it as an eternity. However, I can…
10 Qualities of a godly man
Where are my women of God, who are praying to meet a godly man? Women who have been waiting, praying and seeking God in their single season… I WROTE THIS POST…
How to Make Scripture Cards
Let’s talk about SCRIPTURE CARDS! I have been making scripture cards for the past 7 years of my walk with Jesus, and the impact they have had on my faith is incredible! …